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girl, i can’t wait to have you
女孩,我迫不及待想拥有你  detail>>
can i have a word with you
我能跟你谈一谈吗  detail>>
as much as i can give you girl
我所能给你的  detail>>
you can take all i have,
我的一切都属于你  detail>>
i can hardly wait
迫不及待 我不能再等了  detail>>
i can wait forever
爱你到老  detail>>
i can’t wait to go
我等不及要去  detail>>
you will have to wait and see
你得等一等看  detail>>
but girl, how can i tell her about you
女孩,我怎么取告诉她关于你的事  detail>>
and so i will wait for you
我会等你  detail>>
baby i will wait for you
宝贝我都要等你回来  detail>>
i wait for you
等着你  detail>>
i will wait for you
电影 秋水伊人 年年有今日 我会等你 我会一直等你  detail>>
i will wait for you from
我会等你  detail>>
if only you can wait baby
宝贝 也许你能等我 只要你能等,我的宝贝 只要你能等待女婴  detail>>
how long will i have to wait
我要等多久呢 我要等候多久呢  detail>>
you can have it all
你便能拥有全部 也不错喔  detail>>
girl i love you
姑娘,我爱你 再做我的观众  detail>>